Decoding Sales
A podcast where an engineer (Alex Allain, CTO @ U.S. Digital Response) and salesperson (Peter Ahn, Tech sales coach) demystify what it means to build meaningful business relationships in the modern age.
Decoding Sales
Episode 20: Rookie mistakes
Peter & Alex
What rookie salespeople get wrong - and how to avoid them.
- Key mindset shifts for new salespeople - and how to know you're making them
- Key rites of passage
- How new salespeople throw away leads too quickly
- How to get feedback and support as a founder
Resources and links
- Episode on the price
- Episode on the first sales hire
- Episode on sales myths
- Peter's article on how the best salespeople are technologists
- The Authentic Sales episode covers the striplining concept
- Episode on It Takes a Village
To get more sales advice from Peter, Subscribe to his YouTube Channel, check out Peter Ahn Sales School and get added to his newsletter for bi-weekly coaching nuggets!